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Example of class planification
Working with colors :)
Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Vocabulary Grammar Homework Testing Pronunciation
Test 2 - 05.12.2016
Future with will, going to and present progressive / Conditional Sentences (Type 2)
05.11.-09.11.2016 - Students book p.30-35
12.11.-16.11.2016 - Students book p.36-41
19.11.-23.11.2016 - Students book p.42-48
26.11.-30.11.2016 - Project - Test Preparation
03.11.2012 - Preparation for the test (How am I doing ? P.49)
SB P. 33/3
1. Listening - Questions - Answers
2. Reading, Grammar Recognition, Pronunciation, Vocabulary Quiz (Folder, Online)
Verb tenses...Read the text. How many Verb tenses are used ?
Check new vocabulary with a dictionary.
P.34 /6 - The Beauties
1. Listening
2. Find Keywords
3. Reading - Analyze the new Grammar (Conditional Sentences )
Self Evaluation
Task 1:
Listen to your own dialogue and evaluate yourself. Use the evaluation chart.
How many point would you give your self ? Explain why ? What do you have to improve ?
Work with your blog. Deadline: 14.02.2017 / This will be graded.
You may start like this:
I graded myself with a 7. I think I spoke a lot, but my pronunciation is not so good...I have to improve....
Here are the links to the video - recordings:
M.Emilia, Eduardo, Rafael, Anita
Leonardo, Paula, Emilia
Rafael, Bernardo, Joaquin
Sofia, Matthias, Daniela
Juan Sebastian, Daniela
Martina, Naibye, Julio, Mattias,
Maria Emilia , Daniela
Task 2:
Rewatch your part (role play) and paraphrase the scene. You may add more to it.
Task 3:
Look at the picture. What is the movie about ? Talk about the two arts. Are they changing ?
You may start...(80 - 120 words)
This movie is about friendship because........... also there is a conflict about....
Designing your own Fashion Magazine
Evaluation points
1. Design
What do teenagers really want ?
Read the text and then write down your wishes. What is very important for you in this moment ?
Reading comprehension:
A life of a teenager
Listening comprehension:
Ss listen to this touching song about bullying and complete the tasks.
This is a great song to talk about teenage problems - it allows students to speculate freely about what troubles teenagers these days. There are 3 different exercises - gap-filling, ordering pictures and a cloze-exercise on the song. I´ve also uploaded a matching printable - the oe will help correcting it. Enjoy.
A great one to motivate teenage boys and girls.
Speaking: (mobile phones)
A very nice video to start a debate in class!!! Your students are very likely to have a lot of things to say on the subject!!!
After you have read about Julian's Teenage Life, listened to the songs and done the exercises, write your own story.
1. How are you as a student ?
2. How are your grades ?
3. Describe yourself.
4. Describe your best friend.
5. How are your parents ?
6. Who is strict and who is not ?
7. What is their profession ?
8. What activities do you do in your free time ?
9. What activities do you do together with your parents ?
10. Are you a happy person ? Why ? Why not ?
11. What problems are you facing in this moment ? (home, school, friends)
12. What is bothering you about your friends ?
13. What can you thank your parents and friends for ?
14. What makes you happy ?
15. What doesn't make you happy ?
15. What are your goals ?
June - Unit 5 - Project - Teenagers Magazine
Topics: Fashion / Music /Books / Friends / Hobbies
News !!!
Every student designs his/her own magazine with different sections. Important is the cover page and the index !!! Last section should be a glossary with a pictionary. The magazine has to be printed in colour. If you work in pairs(2) every student has to put own opinions, comments, reviews, interviews, possible events, promotions, unknown information and critics.
The best 4 magazines win a price. (2 pairs girls, 2 pairs boys)
10.06. - students present their work, teacher corrects, teacher gives more hints, info investigation
Student's work can be done in word, powerpoint or in their blogs. It is very important to have a cover page with an index. Here is an example from a student.
Click on the picture to enlarge.

More ideas what to put in your magazine :)
Make your classmates think:
Present a word illusion:
Present a game:
Don't forget: Provide an illustrated glossary !!! (last section of the magazine)
Example: Topic cooking:
What do teenage girls want ?
What do teenage girls NOT want ?
What do Teenage Boys want ?
What do Teenage Boys NOT want ?
1. Expressing teenage goals, likes, desires, passions and wishes
2. Telling interesting stories about teenage idols (music, sport..)
3. Inform people about things they don't know (gossip)
Class projects can be an excellent way to focus the whole class and get them working together towards a common goal. Taking some ‘time out' from regular classes and doing something completely different can really help group dynamics and you may also give quieter or less able students a chance to shine. Making a class magazine is a project that will appeal to most groups as it allows individuals to work on what interests them. Starting a project from scratch can seem a little daunting to begin with so here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to make a class magazine.
1. Listening - Questions - Answers
2. Reading, Grammar Recognition, Pronunciation, Vocabulary Quiz (Folder, Online)
Verb tenses...Read the text. How many Verb tenses are used ?
Check new vocabulary with a dictionary.
P.34 /6 - The Beauties
1. Listening
2. Find Keywords
3. Reading - Analyze the new Grammar (Conditional Sentences )
Self Evaluation
Task 1:
Listen to your own dialogue and evaluate yourself. Use the evaluation chart.
How many point would you give your self ? Explain why ? What do you have to improve ?
Work with your blog. Deadline: 14.02.2017 / This will be graded.
You may start like this:
I graded myself with a 7. I think I spoke a lot, but my pronunciation is not so good...I have to improve....
M.Emilia, Eduardo, Rafael, Anita
Leonardo, Paula, Emilia
Rafael, Bernardo, Joaquin
Sofia, Matthias, Daniela
Juan Sebastian, Daniela
Martina, Naibye, Julio, Mattias,
Maria Emilia , Daniela
Task 2:
Rewatch your part (role play) and paraphrase the scene. You may add more to it.
Task 3:
Look at the picture. What is the movie about ? Talk about the two arts. Are they changing ?
You may start...(80 - 120 words)
This movie is about friendship because........... also there is a conflict about....
Designing your own Fashion Magazine
Don’t forget!
Before printing your magazine, please check the grammar. Let your parents read and evaluate the magazine first. Would they buy the magazine? Did they learn something from it? Is it entertaining?
Evaluation points
1. Design
2. Structure, Organization (Cover, Index, Content, Glossary)
3. Remarkable (llamativo, interesting)
4. Entertaining (funny, advertising)
5. Own opinion and comments

Read the text and then write down your wishes. What is very important for you in this moment ?
Reading comprehension:
A life of a teenager
Listening comprehension:
Ss listen to this touching song about bullying and complete the tasks.
This is a great song to talk about teenage problems - it allows students to speculate freely about what troubles teenagers these days. There are 3 different exercises - gap-filling, ordering pictures and a cloze-exercise on the song. I´ve also uploaded a matching printable - the oe will help correcting it. Enjoy.
A great one to motivate teenage boys and girls.
Speaking: (mobile phones)
A very nice video to start a debate in class!!! Your students are very likely to have a lot of things to say on the subject!!!
After you have read about Julian's Teenage Life, listened to the songs and done the exercises, write your own story.
1. How are you as a student ?
2. How are your grades ?
3. Describe yourself.
4. Describe your best friend.
5. How are your parents ?
6. Who is strict and who is not ?
7. What is their profession ?
8. What activities do you do in your free time ?
9. What activities do you do together with your parents ?
10. Are you a happy person ? Why ? Why not ?
11. What problems are you facing in this moment ? (home, school, friends)
12. What is bothering you about your friends ?
13. What can you thank your parents and friends for ?
14. What makes you happy ?
15. What doesn't make you happy ?
15. What are your goals ?
June - Unit 5 - Project - Teenagers Magazine
Topics: Fashion / Music /Books / Friends / Hobbies
News !!!
Every student designs his/her own magazine with different sections. Important is the cover page and the index !!! Last section should be a glossary with a pictionary. The magazine has to be printed in colour. If you work in pairs(2) every student has to put own opinions, comments, reviews, interviews, possible events, promotions, unknown information and critics.
The best 4 magazines win a price. (2 pairs girls, 2 pairs boys)
10.06. - students present their work, teacher corrects, teacher gives more hints, info investigation
Student's work can be done in word, powerpoint or in their blogs. It is very important to have a cover page with an index. Here is an example from a student.
Click on the picture to enlarge.
More ideas what to put in your magazine :)
Make your classmates think:
Present a word illusion:
Present a game:
Don't forget: Provide an illustrated glossary !!! (last section of the magazine)
Example: Topic cooking:
What do teenage girls want ?
What do teenage girls NOT want ?
What do Teenage Boys want ?
What do Teenage Boys NOT want ?
1. Expressing teenage goals, likes, desires, passions and wishes
2. Telling interesting stories about teenage idols (music, sport..)
3. Inform people about things they don't know (gossip)
Class projects can be an excellent way to focus the whole class and get them working together towards a common goal. Taking some ‘time out' from regular classes and doing something completely different can really help group dynamics and you may also give quieter or less able students a chance to shine. Making a class magazine is a project that will appeal to most groups as it allows individuals to work on what interests them. Starting a project from scratch can seem a little daunting to begin with so here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to make a class magazine.
- Bring in some magazines. Let your students have a look through them. You could do a class survey on magazines at this stage or simply chat to your class about the type of magazines they like.
- On the board brainstorm the different sections that magazines have. Try to include as much variety as possible so there's something for everyone.(Horoscopes, beauty tips, sports pages, film reviews, cinema news, fashion, photo stories, comic strips, puzzles, technology pages, music, interviews with famous people, recipes, jokes, problem pages etc. etc.)
- Ask your students if they would like to make a magazine in English. Hopefully they'll be keen to! Ask students for ideas for a name for the magazine and hold a class vote to decide on the name.
Organising the project
- Now you need students to choose who they want to work with (pairs) and what section they want to produce. Make a list of what everyone is going to do, in case you, or they, forget by the next class.
- Set the deadlines (12.06.2013) and plan the sections. Negotiate with your students about how long they will need to produce their section and allow sufficient class time for you to be able to help each group with their section and provide language input and error correction. You can also encourage students to look for information at home, on the internet etc. Set a date where everyone must bring their completed work to class and try to stick to it. Having said that, if your students get really into it and are producing good work you could always extend the deadline if you think their time is being well spent.
- Collect all the sections and work with your class to decide on the order they will go in. Students can now make a contents page and a cover for their magazine.
- Put the magazine together with a book spine or by stapling it. Before you do this you may want to make several copies of the magazine. If you have the facilities to do so, one for each student could be really nice and they can take it home to show their parents. If that's not possible, make a couple of copies and hang them in the classroom for other students to look at.
Exploiting the magazine
- If you teach several classes of a similar level you can take the magazines in to show your other groups and make some activities based around it or simply let the students read it and do the puzzle pages. You may even inspire your other groups to make one too.
- If you have access to a computer room you could really make a professional looking magazine but don't worry if you don't, a homemade looking one can be just as good.
- Having an end product to work towards can be really motivating for a class. Making a class magazine should be an enjoyable experience for you and the students and it will also give you a chance to stand back a little and observe your students in action. You should be available to guide them and offer support and advice but it will also give you a chance to find out more about their interests which will help you to plan for following lessons.
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