4 skills activities
Watch the video and write about it.
- summary
- opinion
Would this be possible to do in your country ?
How much money would you need ?
- classroom discussion
- talking about new vocabulary
- prediction
Watch the video and write about it.
- summary
- opinion
Would this be possible to do in your country ?
How much money would you need ?
- classroom discussion
- talking about new vocabulary
- prediction
- summary
- opinion
Would this be possible to do in your country ?
How much money would you need ?
- classroom discussion
- talking about new vocabulary
- prediction
At the Undergound Station in London
1. Imagine the situation (brainstorming)
- Introduction
- Problem
- Solution
- Conclusion
- Introduction (Introduces characters, setting (decoration, costums), time,weather, etc.)
- Initiating Action (The point of a story that starts the rising action)
- Rising Action (Events leading up to the climax/turning point)
- Climax (The most intense point of the story/the turning point of the story)
- Falling Action (your story begins to conclude)
Don't forget:
1. Create a story with a problem
2. Make everything visual
3. Don't forget to plan (where, who, what, why, when, how)
2. How to download sounds ?
3. Now download pictures from Google Images
4. Use Moviemakers (programm comes with your computer)
5. Mix sounds and pictures
6. Create real situation dialogs
7. Improvise - Now you are ready to act !!!
It's showtime :)
Useful phrases from the book English G21 p12-25:
I've always wanted to go there.
I've only been there once.
I've never been there.
Here you can go.....
This is the famous big wheel...
There is ...
There are lots of....
It's fun / cool / fantastic / cheap / expensive
You can only do / see ....
I'd like to go shopping.
What would you most like to do in London ?
We have got our tickets.
Let's do....
Excuse me ...how do I get to...?
I haven't seen....
I have to be back at the hotel at 7 pm !!!
Making friends at the discotheque
How healthy is our world today ?
What might happen to the world in hte near future ?
Do you agree with those predictions ?
Is the world in danger ?
What can we do to save our world ?
How healthy is our world today ?
What might happen to the world in hte near future ?
Do you agree with those predictions ?
Is the world in danger ?
What can we do to save our world ?
Working with a movie
Why watching movies in order to learn English ?
One way to perfect your English is to watch lots of movies. By repeatedly watching movies with native English speakers, you will pick up slang terms that you are unlikely to learn in a classroom setting. In addition, listening to native speakers will help you to improve your accent, and will also help to train your ear. This technique can definitely work if you are willing to put in the time and effort.It also will help you improving your reading and spelling abilities.
7 Steps of how to learn English through watching movies:
1. Choose a movie that interests you with English Subtitles.
2. Watch each movie at least twice, back-to-back if possible. The second time through,
turn off the subtitles.
3. Rewind the movie whenever you encounter a line of dialogue or unfamiliar phrase to help
you fully understand it and master the pronunciation.
4. Stop the movie whenever you find new vocabulary.
5. Stop the movie and write down useful phrases.
6. After the movie create your own pictionary
7. Create your multiple choice quiz.
Comprehension - Questions from the movie Step up 4
Part 1 -
1. What is the Mob ?
2. What is the goal of the Mob ?
3. What happened at the bar ?
4. What does the Anderson Company want to do ?
5. What is a very important issue for the Anderson Company ? (meeting scene)
6. What happened at the restaurant ?
7. What is Emilie's goal at the moment ?
8. What is Wynwood ?
9. What does Emily lack at the audition ?
10. Why did Sean invite Emily to the arte gallery ?
11. What did Emily decide to do after the Mob at the art gallery ?
12. Who said "Sometimes it's good to break the rules" ?
13. Do you think it's good to break the rules sometimes ? Explaine your choice.
14. What is the conflict of the story ?
15. Who are the 4 main characters ? Can you describe them ?
16. Describe 3 more supporting characters from the cast ?
Part 2 -
1. How did Emily do at the second Mob ?
2. How did Emily grow up ?
3. What happened to her parents ?
4. Do Emily and Shean get together ?
5. Who is the same asshole who fired Eddy ? Why was he fired ?
6. Does the Mob know who the father of Emily is ?
7. What is the price of progress ?
8. Who says " I won't tell you how to dance and you don't tell me how to run my company "
9. Why is Emily lost during her rehearsals at Wynwood ?
10. What is Emilie's proposal for the next Mob ?
11. What is the Ocean - Motion thing ?
12. What happened with the "Hits" ?
13. People who saw the video on Youtube are very ......... ?
14. Why are Emily and Sean dancing at the beach ? What for ?
15. What place did the Mob get on Youtube ?
16. Everythings seems to work out with the Mob, but what happens then ?
17. What did Eddy record at the rehearsal room ?
18. Who said "I ve got a better idea" ?
19. What happens at the Anderson Meeting ?
20. Why did Emily did a solo ?
21. What was the judge tinking at this moment ?
22. Who said "Don't give up" ?
23. What did the Barmen mean with "You haven't met this special someone yet" ?
24. What does Eddy say to Sean ? Why did the other Mobmembers talk to Sean again ?
25. What about the guy who never talks ? Who is he ?
26. Why are the policofficer don't do anything at the third Mob ?
27. Who said "go get her back ?"
28. What was the reaction of Emily's father ?
29. Who is Moose ?
30. Who said "May be there is a way to build this neighborhood up without tearing it down ?"
31. What wants Eddy to sign ? What for ?
32. Did the Mob finally archieve their goals (2) ?
33. Why do you think dancing is important ?
34. State your point of view to the following issues:
The mass makes a difference
Saying sorry
Accepting mistakes
Being self critical
Everyone needs to belong to something (group, family)
Everyone needs to have a special function in life
Acting out the scenes :)
Scene 1. - At work (Restaurant, new boss)
5 - actors
Scene 2. - At the bar (getting to know eachother)
2 actors
Scene 3. - At Rickie's bar (free drinks)
2 actors
Scene 4. - Planning at Rickie's (hits, what for ?)
8 actors
Scene 5. - At home (sister, sister's daughter, dancing moves)
3 actors
Scene 6. - Coming late to the meeting (Throw out from work)
3 actors
Scene 7. - At the restaurant (discussion daddy and daughter)
3 actors
Scene 8. - Emilie's rehearsal (love scene)
Scene 9. - At wynwood (winners)
2 actors
Scene 10. - At the art gallery (why invitation)
2 actors
Teenagers like:
music, fashion, sports, watching videos, i pods, games, noise, bloopers, fun videos
Make your own movie clip :)
Video in the Classroom
For example videos click here:
For more ideas and role play situations click here:
Here you can upload your video and edit it. Remember to wrk with subtitles.
Here you learn how to put subtitles working with movie maker:
1. Sofi, MEM, MEC, Danny, Marti
2. Anita, Nayibe, Emily, Paula, Danny W, Vale
3. Leo, Rafa, Juanse, Mathias
4. Bieger, Joaquin, Edu
5. Bernardo, Julio
1. Application of learned grammar - Passive Voice
2. Independence / Autonomy - Create own dialogues
3. Planning, Organizing - Setting, clothing, dialogues
4. Free speaking / Improvisation - In case you get lost memorizing dialogues
5. Repetition / Memorization - Dialogues
6. Teenage FUN
-Involve the units from the book
-Language chunks
-Provision of ideas, topics
-Setting rules
-Motivation (prices)
-Give examples of students made video clips
Steps / Draft / Procedure
1. Movie type
- Interview (famous music artist, sportsperson, actor/actress,)
- Promotion (Country, Product, Games, Books)
- Stories (thief - police / tourist guide - tourist / husband - wife)
- Short Films
2. Location - Where are you going to film the video ?
3. Personalities (reporter, sales person, thief....)
4. Situation / Dialogues / Scripts
5. Why are you making the video ? Who shell be the audience ?
6. How long are you planning to do the video ?
7. Clothing and Material
8. Filming the video
9. Editing the video (iPods, cell phones, Video Formats)
10. Subtitles in English (Windows Live Moviemaker)
11. Publish the video (youtube, blogger)
Tuesday 04.02.2014
- Draft (teacher corrects and gives advice)
- Filming
- Presentation of product
Tuesday 11.02.2014
1st Orice - 4 Movie tickets

2nd Price - Harribo
3rd - Chocolates
1. Plan / Organization
2. Speaking performance of all participants (correct grammar, pronunciation)
3. Contribution / Collaboration of all participants (idea, filming, script writing, editing)
4. Autonomy (What did everyone do ?)
5. Video image (effects, story, sense, editing)

Don't miss to watch "Locked up abroad" (preso en el extranjero)
Friday, September 21st, 8 pm, Channel: Natioanl Geographic !!!
1. Who is Ruthie Lambert ?
2. Who is Jhonny ?
3. Who is Juan ?
4. What happened to Ruthie ?
5. Why did she need money so urgently ?
6. Why did she get sick ?
7. What is the moraly of the story ?
Retell the story !
One way to perfect your English is to watch lots of movies. By repeatedly watching movies with native English speakers, you will pick up slang terms that you are unlikely to learn in a classroom setting. In addition, listening to native speakers will help you to improve your accent, and will also help to train your ear. This technique can definitely work if you are willing to put in the time and effort.It also will help you improving your reading and spelling abilities.
7 Steps of how to learn English through watching movies:
1. Choose a movie that interests you with English Subtitles.
2. Watch each movie at least twice, back-to-back if possible. The second time through,
turn off the subtitles.
3. Rewind the movie whenever you encounter a line of dialogue or unfamiliar phrase to help
you fully understand it and master the pronunciation.
4. Stop the movie whenever you find new vocabulary.
5. Stop the movie and write down useful phrases.
6. After the movie create your own pictionary
7. Create your multiple choice quiz.
Comprehension - Questions from the movie Step up 4
Part 1 -
1. What is the Mob ?
2. What is the goal of the Mob ?
3. What happened at the bar ?
4. What does the Anderson Company want to do ?
5. What is a very important issue for the Anderson Company ? (meeting scene)
6. What happened at the restaurant ?
7. What is Emilie's goal at the moment ?
8. What is Wynwood ?
9. What does Emily lack at the audition ?
10. Why did Sean invite Emily to the arte gallery ?
11. What did Emily decide to do after the Mob at the art gallery ?
12. Who said "Sometimes it's good to break the rules" ?
13. Do you think it's good to break the rules sometimes ? Explaine your choice.
14. What is the conflict of the story ?
15. Who are the 4 main characters ? Can you describe them ?
16. Describe 3 more supporting characters from the cast ?
Part 2 -
1. How did Emily do at the second Mob ?
2. How did Emily grow up ?
3. What happened to her parents ?
4. Do Emily and Shean get together ?
5. Who is the same asshole who fired Eddy ? Why was he fired ?
6. Does the Mob know who the father of Emily is ?
7. What is the price of progress ?
8. Who says " I won't tell you how to dance and you don't tell me how to run my company "
9. Why is Emily lost during her rehearsals at Wynwood ?
10. What is Emilie's proposal for the next Mob ?
11. What is the Ocean - Motion thing ?
12. What happened with the "Hits" ?
13. People who saw the video on Youtube are very ......... ?
14. Why are Emily and Sean dancing at the beach ? What for ?
15. What place did the Mob get on Youtube ?
16. Everythings seems to work out with the Mob, but what happens then ?
17. What did Eddy record at the rehearsal room ?
18. Who said "I ve got a better idea" ?
19. What happens at the Anderson Meeting ?
20. Why did Emily did a solo ?
21. What was the judge tinking at this moment ?
22. Who said "Don't give up" ?
23. What did the Barmen mean with "You haven't met this special someone yet" ?
24. What does Eddy say to Sean ? Why did the other Mobmembers talk to Sean again ?
25. What about the guy who never talks ? Who is he ?
26. Why are the policofficer don't do anything at the third Mob ?
27. Who said "go get her back ?"
28. What was the reaction of Emily's father ?
29. Who is Moose ?
30. Who said "May be there is a way to build this neighborhood up without tearing it down ?"
31. What wants Eddy to sign ? What for ?
32. Did the Mob finally archieve their goals (2) ?
33. Why do you think dancing is important ?
34. State your point of view to the following issues:
The mass makes a difference
Saying sorry
Accepting mistakes
Being self critical
Everyone needs to belong to something (group, family)
Everyone needs to have a special function in life
Speaking and pronunciation
Acting out the scenes :)
Scene 1. - At work (Restaurant, new boss)
5 - actors
Scene 2. - At the bar (getting to know eachother)
2 actors
Scene 3. - At Rickie's bar (free drinks)
2 actors
Scene 4. - Planning at Rickie's (hits, what for ?)
8 actors
Scene 5. - At home (sister, sister's daughter, dancing moves)
3 actors
Scene 6. - Coming late to the meeting (Throw out from work)
3 actors
Scene 7. - At the restaurant (discussion daddy and daughter)
3 actors
Scene 8. - Emilie's rehearsal (love scene)
Scene 9. - At wynwood (winners)
2 actors
Scene 10. - At the art gallery (why invitation)
2 actors
Project - Creating a Movie Clip
Teenagers like:
music, fashion, sports, watching videos, i pods, games, noise, bloopers, fun videos
Make your own movie clip :)
Video in the Classroom
In addition to being fun and motivating, video projects teach students to plan, organize, write, communicate, collaborate, and analyze. A successful video project has undergone a process ofresearching, scripting, organizing, filming, editing, and publishing. Students also have the opportunity to apply artistic and dramatic skills to their academic work.
With the proliferation of webcams, phone cameras, flip cams, digital recorders, and editing tools, video has exploded in the media lives of students. Many of them spend as much time, if not more, watching YouTube as opposed to television. In fact, video has become so prolific that some colleges even include video submissions as part of their application process. As this media further matures, students may need to be able to express themselves as effectively through moving imagery as with the written word.
For more ideas and role play situations click here:
Here you can upload your video and edit it. Remember to wrk with subtitles.
Here you learn how to put subtitles working with movie maker:
1. Haz click en Windows live Moviemaker
2. Importar el video (format .wmv)
3. Agregar créditos
4. Formato – Dividir – Duracion del texto
5. Guardar pelicula
6. Recomendada para este proyecto
1. Sofi, MEM, MEC, Danny, Marti
2. Anita, Nayibe, Emily, Paula, Danny W, Vale
3. Leo, Rafa, Juanse, Mathias
4. Bieger, Joaquin, Edu
5. Bernardo, Julio
1. Application of learned grammar - Passive Voice
2. Independence / Autonomy - Create own dialogues
3. Planning, Organizing - Setting, clothing, dialogues
4. Free speaking / Improvisation - In case you get lost memorizing dialogues
5. Repetition / Memorization - Dialogues
6. Teenage FUN
-Involve the units from the book
-Language chunks
-Provision of ideas, topics
-Setting rules
-Motivation (prices)
-Give examples of students made video clips
Steps / Draft / Procedure
1. Movie type
- Interview (famous music artist, sportsperson, actor/actress,)
- Promotion (Country, Product, Games, Books)
- Stories (thief - police / tourist guide - tourist / husband - wife)
- Short Films
2. Location - Where are you going to film the video ?
3. Personalities (reporter, sales person, thief....)
4. Situation / Dialogues / Scripts
5. Why are you making the video ? Who shell be the audience ?
6. How long are you planning to do the video ?
7. Clothing and Material
8. Filming the video
9. Editing the video (iPods, cell phones, Video Formats)
10. Subtitles in English (Windows Live Moviemaker)
11. Publish the video (youtube, blogger)
Tuesday 04.02.2014
- Draft (teacher corrects and gives advice)
- Filming
- Presentation of product
Tuesday 11.02.2014
1st Orice - 4 Movie tickets

2nd Price - Harribo

3rd - Chocolates
1. Plan / Organization
2. Speaking performance of all participants (correct grammar, pronunciation)
3. Contribution / Collaboration of all participants (idea, filming, script writing, editing)
4. Autonomy (What did everyone do ?)
5. Video image (effects, story, sense, editing)
National Geographic (Listen and watch !)

Don't miss to watch "Locked up abroad" (preso en el extranjero)
Friday, September 21st, 8 pm, Channel: Natioanl Geographic !!!
1. Who is Ruthie Lambert ?
2. Who is Jhonny ?
3. Who is Juan ?
4. What happened to Ruthie ?
5. Why did she need money so urgently ?
6. Why did she get sick ?
7. What is the moraly of the story ?
Retell the story !
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