1. Goals for 2017
- personal goals
- academic goals - Pet Test (2nd International Test)
2. Getting the books
3. Revision / How to work with the books.
4. Making a study plan (see Blog)
6. Classroom rules
- English as target language
- Discipline - (1 warning - yellow card / 2nd warning - red card)
Students choose the punishment (extra homework - grade)
- Homework (only Projects)
7. How to study best ?
- understand your goals
- good planning (date, content of test)
- good communication (teacher - student / student - student)
- start preparing early (not the day before the exam)
- learn how to study best (alone, friends)
- snack breaks (sugar, rest)
- memory - short term - no future
- active participation - no need to study for an exam
- get a good night sleep
- personal goals
- academic goals - Pet Test (2nd International Test)
2. Getting the books
3. Revision / How to work with the books.
4. Making a study plan (see Blog)
6. Classroom rules
- English as target language
- Discipline - (1 warning - yellow card / 2nd warning - red card)
Students choose the punishment (extra homework - grade)
- Homework (only Projects)
7. How to study best ?
- understand your goals
- good planning (date, content of test)
- good communication (teacher - student / student - student)
- start preparing early (not the day before the exam)
- learn how to study best (alone, friends)
- snack breaks (sugar, rest)
- memory - short term - no future
- active participation - no need to study for an exam
- get a good night sleep
School Rules around the World
Answer the following questions and give your own opinion. Would you change rules ? If yes why ?
In your highschool, can you leave at lunch time?
Do they call your home if you don't come to school?
What is the punishment system for not going to school?
What about being late?
Can you hold hands with your bf/gf?
Can you hug? Kiss?
Do you have to wear a uniform?
If yes, what is the punishement system for not wearing one? Or not wearing it just as you are told to?
Are there rules about the length of your hair?
About wearing piercings?
How many subjects can you choose?
Do you have access to free, unrestricted, unfiltered Internet?
Can you chat and use your email on the school computers?
Do the male teachers in your school wear ties?
If so, are they ordered to by the school director?
Are your parents fined if they don't go to school meetings?
Can you decide which classes you want to go to and which ones you want to skip?
Can you leave the school grounds anytime you want?
Can you walk out of a classroom anytime you want, for any reason?
Do you have to have a hall pass, or permission slip to walk in the halls during classtime?
Do you have to make certain grades in order to move up to the next year's classes with your friends?
Can you go into a classroom that is not your class, so you can be with your friends?
Is there an independent study room where you can study on your own?
If so, can you go there anytime you want and stay as long as you want?
Can you go to the school library anytime you want and stay as long as you want?
Does your school allow corporal punishment of any kind?
Does your school have something like "In school suspension" where you can be put into solitary confinement?
Can you be sent to jail for not going to school?
Can you smoke on the school grounds?
Now make a research !
People say Finnland has the best education.
Check out this website to find out why:
Which points do you agree with ? Which points do you not agree with ? State your point.
Check our more educational systems around the globe. (Germany, China, U.S.A, Korea)
Investigate about school rules (see above) , grading systems, tests.....

"Learning doesn't happen from failure itself but rather from analyzing the failure, making a change, and then trying again."
According to Confucius, I hear and I forget ; I
see and I remember ; I do and I understand.

School Rules Around the World
In your highschool, can you leave at lunch time?
Do they call your home if you don't come to school?
What is the punishment system for not going to school?
What about being late?
Can you hold hands with your bf/gf?
Can you hug? Kiss?
Do you have to wear a uniform?
If yes, what is the punishement system for not wearing one? Or not wearing it just as you are told to?
Are there rules about the length of your hair?
About wearing piercings?
How many subjects can you choose?
Do you have access to free, unrestricted, unfiltered Internet?
Can you chat and use your email on the school computers?
Do the male teachers in your school wear ties?
If so, are they ordered to by the school director?
Are your parents fined if they don't go to school meetings?
Can you decide which classes you want to go to and which ones you want to skip?
Can you leave the school grounds anytime you want?
Can you walk out of a classroom anytime you want, for any reason?
Do you have to have a hall pass, or permission slip to walk in the halls during classtime?
Do you have to make certain grades in order to move up to the next year's classes with your friends?
Can you go into a classroom that is not your class, so you can be with your friends?
Is there an independent study room where you can study on your own?
If so, can you go there anytime you want and stay as long as you want?
Can you go to the school library anytime you want and stay as long as you want?
Does your school allow corporal punishment of any kind?
Does your school have something like "In school suspension" where you can be put into solitary confinement?
Can you be sent to jail for not going to school?
Can you smoke on the school grounds?
Now make a research !
People say Finnland has the best education.
Check out this website to find out why:
Which points do you agree with ? Which points do you not agree with ? State your point.
Check our more educational systems around the globe. (Germany, China, U.S.A, Korea)
Investigate about school rules (see above) , grading systems, tests.....
How do I learn best ?
How do I learn best ?

"Learning doesn't happen from failure itself but rather from analyzing the failure, making a change, and then trying again."
According to Confucius, I hear and I forget ; I
see and I remember ; I do and I understand.
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